1. Workshop Conventions

This section gives a brief overview of the turorial’s typographic conventions

1.1. Directions

Directions for you will be noted by bold font.

For example:

Click Next to continue.

1.2. Files, tables, and fields

File, table, and field names will be shown in fixed-width font.

For example:

Select the num_jobs column in the buildings table.

1.4. Dialog form controls

Dialog controls, such as text fields or check boxes, are displayed in the text style

For example:

Type Path to the dictionary folder.

1.5. Power shell commands

The commands are displayed in an offset box.

For example:

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://gtfs.mot.gov.il/gtfsfiles/israel-public-transportation.zip"
 -OutFile "C:\Path\To\Directory\israel-public-transportation.zip"

1.6. Notes

Notes are used to provide information that is not critical for understanding the topic.

For example:


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